

I was talking with Oli and I don't exactly remember what he said but it was something to the effect of, "Don't forget that you can really make a difference in someone's life." I think I've forgotten this a bit and that's caused me to be ho-hum about my work. So today I really tried. I mean I really tried to care. I tried to be interested. Tried to be excited. Tried to give them a little part of me. And I think it worked out pretty well.
I pulled out old thank you notes from past clients -- to remind myself that I have made a difference before -- and posted them where I can see them often. And then, tender mercy, two parents expressed extreme and passionate thanks to me. It was odd, but made me happy. And I had really positive interactions with clients where I thought, "Hey, they are a little happier after chillin' with me."
Tonight I got a note from a friend just saying how much she values me. It really made me happy. And everything she said was true -- well, I mean, she said that she appreciates how excited I am about stuff and it's true because I just feel so excited around her. She is really fun and I don't exactly know why but I think she is swell and I'm super stoked when ever I see her.
And also, I was talking with The Blur, who is one of my bestest friends ever, and she expressed appreciation and how she values our friendship and that was the cherry on top. can I just put in a plug for The Blur at this juncture in the blog. I can become obsessive. She laughs at my dumb jokes. She makes me feel like a million bucks. She's adventurous and daring. She is a hard worker who gives 1,000,000% (yes, that's a million) in everything she does. Also, she is hot (no, like really, really good looking -- so men, let me know and I'll see if you measure up), which a person ought it be if they possibly can.
I feel like as I've tried today, Heavenly Father has rewarded me many times over -- as is His style. So, because everyone else has already said it, I say thanks, because I got a couple few blessings too -- most are people. I hope you know who you are. I hope I've made sure you know who you are. I'm gonna make sure you know who you are.


Karen Ella said...

:D Agreed on ever angle. You = awesome, amazing, beautiful, etc. The Blur, also = stunning, courageous, brilliant, etc. Oli = pretty much absolutely hilarious.

Camilla said...

Awwww! You are so sweet! Though may I say, you are pretty much rad. Like super duper rad. Like, don't test these besties. SWs!

Oliver said...

Way to make a difference.

Oliver said...

Way to make a difference.