
Real Salt Lake

I generally don't like team sports. Baseball and football are too slow. Basketball just isn't interesting too me. But soccer. Soccer's sweet. A couple of weeks ago I got to go to a Real Salt Lake game at the new Rio Tinto Stadium. I sat next to my niece in some pretty sweet seats.

The RSL team on the bench.
My niece shook her drink then looked at me in surprise when it spilled all over her. The bathroom I was directed to was actually a locker room. My niece was having way to much instead of cleaning herself up. I used the time to take random photos of myself.
The team played Toronto and won 3-0. I guess I'm good luck. ;)

1 comment:

haley said...

3-0 for a soccer game? That's pretty good! You must be good luck! Either that or Toronto really stinks.