
Little Laughs

My job is often very serious. But we also have our fair share of laughs. Here are some funny things that have been said in session (none of which are personal or sensitive). Enjoy!
"Fish don't have feelings. Kurt Cobain said." (Client discussing being vegetarian and eating fish.)
"The staff just let me sleep around." (Eek!)
"She is a witch who sucks out all the happiness." (Client commenting to staff about me... in other news, we've since reconciled.)
"Hey, girlfriend!" (Parent greeting me. Little odd.)
"I literally felt like crap." (Literally?)
"Her name's Grandma and she's upstairs." (Client retelling a childhood story of the paramedics coming to his house for his grandma.)
"I've been diagnosed with super-strength." (Client supposedly "messing" with peers, but he might just believe it.)

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