

If I were the type to hang posters of famous men in my room, over whom I would swoon and fantasize about our lives together, and if those men had to be professional athletes, I would choose the following three:
Jaron Collins (right), because he is gorgeous and really doesn't have facial hair.
Kyle Korver (bottom photo on the left), because he is just cute. Also, I am told he resembles Ashton Kutcher or Zac Efron, which is interesting as those two do not resemble each other.
And Matt Harpring (top photo on the left), because he is hot and educated. He graduated college with a real degree in like business or something. So, if I were younger I would hang pictures on my wall. Being older, I hang them on my blog.


pinksuedeshoe said...

I have a crush on Matt Harpring too. And Kyle Korver... only he is just so pretty... but Matt Harpring, wow.

megs said...

I NEVER thought I would see the day when you would have anything to do with athletics, let alone put up pictures of the Utah Jazz on your blog!

pinksuedeshoe said...

In defense of HRH: It doesn't matter what the man does for his living... he is HOTT!! (and smart and sensitive and whatever.)

HRH said...

Matt Harpring is like Colin Firth handsome.