

Let's review. Last year I said I would:

1. Be healthy.
2. Fall in love.
3. Get to Germany and Paris. Failure is not an option.
4. Be more thoughtful.
5. More family time.
6. Buy a bike.
7. Take advice.

I was healthier. I joined my community gym and went fairly often. I can run for a half hour (of course it is at the same pace I walk but it's progress).
I fell in love! Of course I did not fall in love with a romantic partner as was my intention. I did fall in love with beach cruisers, HSM 3, California Adventure, New Moon, Modern Family, blonde hair, my new roommate Jennica (in a non Broke-Back way), partying even more, farmer's markets, a couple hot chocolate places, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, and I met the D'Orsay.
I did get to Paris and Germany. And Austria. And Toronto. And California. It was a good year for travel.
I'm not sure I was more thoughtful. I'll have to think about it.
I did spend more time with my family, I think. A lot of it, sadly, was due to my father's death. I think we all realized how important we are to each other just a little more. My family had it's up and downs working through my dad's death, but on the whole, I think we did a stellar job. Everyone still loves each other, we may even love each other more.
Bike. Check. Next time I make this resolution, however, I will resolve to get gears. Still I love my little beach cruiser.
Take advice. This did not go so well. I read the magazines but did no follow through. I got a drill for Christmas - maybe that will change something.

1 comment:

aisy said...

Ha ha. Think about being thoughtful. You're funny. Good work on your resolutions!