
Photo Album Update

For my birthday Kate gave me Tea at the Grand America Hotel and I cashed it in. It's like being a little girl for a minute and no one thinks you are weird. Er'rybody else be doing it.

I attempted to eat smoked salmon.  
 It tasted like Sea World. Yuck.

I went with my family to a rodeo. 

Also we hiked Timp Cave. Prolly the most fun thing my family's done outside of the home in a while. Out tour guide said we were her favorite tour all week. Obviously. I've met us.

I went to the Shakespeare Festival with Erin and Milla. I tried to get this guy to take me home but he was just cold to me. *Sigh* We saw Loves Labors Lost and Peter and the Star Catcher. P and the SC was the best ever thing.

And then there was this awesome hike to Battle Creek Falls. That's my sis and sis-in-law up top and Kate and Milla down low. The kiddos are my nieces and nephew and they are a blast. Y'all should be way jealouso.

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